The Who & What
Branding is who you are as a company. A brand is a promise to always do right by your followers. Always delivering a consistent product and message at every interaction point with your customer. From word-of-mouth to traditional advertising. From package design to social curation. From simple web to complex applications. The story should remain the same. That's a solid brand.
Interactive is where you educate. Web design is just about everything your company or brand can offer, under one digital roof top. Whether it’s a giant corporate site, a mini microsite or custom online application; or an intranet, or an extranet; or an iPhone app, or a banner ad; or a something-yet-to-be discovered; whatever it is, it’s important. And our design and development team is ready to make it happen.
Advertising is what you say. How does your brand get attention? How do people know your brand exists? Advertising is your way of letting customers know if you are fun and loud or classic and sophisticated. We help brands both big and small fight through the clutter and noise to find their unique voice.
Design is how you show it. Storytelling with pictures. That’s design. The logical ordering of shapes, sizes, pictures and words. Whether the design is a product, a package, a brochure, an email, a poster or an entire city block, good consistent design makes for great brands. Lucky for you, that’s what we do here at The Brand Hatchery. Good design.
Strategy is what makes you smart. Actually, it’s what makes you smarter than your competition. The knowledge to use the right medium, to tell the right story, to the right audience, at the right time. That’s down right smart. Word of mouth is a very powerful advertising medium. Have you ever stopped to think of what you want people to tell their friends about your brand? That’s strategy. It’s the plan of what story gets told where. It’s at the heart of everything we do.
Logo Design
App Design
The work
Make it smart
Keep it simple
Don’t hold back
Respect everyone
No excuses
The Brand Hatchery is a full service design firm hatched in Dallas, TX in 2005. Since then, we’ve been helping brands become what they’ve always wanted to be. We build up their self-confidence and teach them to talk to girls and boys and kids and old people. We help brands grow up to be better brands.
American Airlines, Toyota, Stori Modern, Tongal, Tri-Delta National, Chippewa Boots, Exigo, IRIO, Corgan, Andrews Kurth, AMX, Craftmade, Woodard, Barnes & Roberts, Clint Orms, & Others